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Artist Management

Artist Development Services

Artist Development is a big part of becoming a successful hip-hop artist. A lot of upcoming rappers are so focused on creating music that they forget to develop themselves into superstars. Creating good music is only part of the equation.

Initially, developing an artist was the responsibility of the labels and the A&R rep that “discovered” you. However, in today’s world, the responsibility of artist development is the hands of the artist themselves and their “camp” – and if done correctly, is very profitable.

What Is Artist Development?

Artist development is the process in which you help an artist positively shape their career for both the immediate future and long-term.

Depending on how far along in your music career you are, this process might sound a lot like what your manager does – and it should. Before you have a team of people who specialize in different aspects of your career that will help develop you and your career, your manager (or you) will fill this position overall. Artist development will help a lot with music promotion.

How To Develop Yourself As A Rapper

Devloping yourself as a rapper is not as simple as just creating a home recording studio and recording music all day (although it helps). There’s a pretty big learning curve and it takes a long time before you develop into the artists that you’ve always dreamed you’d be. But, as long as you’re consistently working on developing yourself, you’ll continue to see improvements over time. Take a look below at some of our tips for developing yourself as a hip-hop artist.

Artist Development Tips:

– Tips On How To Become A Successful Hip-Hop Artist

– Mistakes Made By Independent Rappers

Being Professional In Hip-Hop

– Tips On How To Become A Professional Hip-Hop Artis

Networking In Hip-Hop

– Hip-Hop Networking Tips

– Networking with Successful Rappers

Productivity In Hip-Hop

– Don’t Be Afraid To Work Less As A Hip-Hop Artist

Team Building In Hip-Hop

– When To Find A Music Manager

The Best Phone Apps For Aspiring Rappers

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How To Organize Your Songs, Beats, Lyrics, And More

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The Problem With Rap Name Generators

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Building Relationships If You Don’t Have A Local Music Scene

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5 Tips For Writing A Music Biography

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Why You Should Have A Professional Artist Biography

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3 Tips For Making A Music Video

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The Difference Between A Mixtape & Album

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How To Become A Famous Rapper

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When To Find A Music Manager In Hip-Hop

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How To Be A Professional Hip-Hop Artist

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Don’t Be Afraid To Work Less As A Hip-Hop Artist

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How To Set Goals As A Rapper That Make You Successful

I bet you didn’t think you’d be setting goals when you decided to become a rapper. That’s ok, most don’t. But, most rappers never become successful. So, let’s make sure you’re using the strategies that successful rappers use. Goals are one of the few things you can do as a rapper that can guarantee your …


3 Benefits Of Networking In Hip-Hop

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How To Connect & Work With Any Successful Rapper

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Publicity | Exposure | Blogs, News, & Media

Publicity can be defined many ways, but it is most appropriate to view it from a marketing perspective. In its simplest form, publicity involves conveying information and generating awareness about products and services to the general public or target audiences through various media.


Publicity's primary purpose is to get specific information across to as many people as possible within the shortest time frame. To record any sale of products or services, customers have to be aware they exist, and they also have to know the attached benefits. As the number of people aware of a product or service increases, the potential for additional sales also increases.

While publicity is a key component of marketing strategies, it is different from marketing because there often is no message beyond letting an audience know that the product or service in question exists. A publicity campaign might be built around making a product or brand visible through strategies such as product placements or logos on vehicles that are seen around town. This strategy typically does not share or describe a product's specific benefits, but it puts it in front of as many eyes as possible.

Such strategies often precede more specific marketing campaigns that share more detailed information.

Target Audiences

Depending on the type of product or service being publicized, certain categories of people might make up a target audience. For instance, if a product is for babies, nursing mothers and pregnant women likely will be a target audience. Other less obvious demographics often are determined through market research. Surveys may be conducted by a company's marketing department, or it might hire an outside firm to handle the research. The goal is to determine the demographic makeup of the customers who show the most interest in or have the greatest need for a product or service.

Companies also collect information about customers using tools such as frequent shopper programs that offer special deals. To join, customers typically have to share at least minimal information about themselves. The more information a company has about its customers, the more it can tailor its marketing strategies to the appropriate audiences.

Publicity is communication, and communication is a two-way transaction. So, another way companies collect data about customers is through customer feedback forms. As much as companies want to know whether customers liked or disliked what they were selling, they want to collect information about who the customers are.

Types of Publicity

There are many different types of publicity. While marketing campaigns often are built around traditional means of advertising, the best publicity often comes through strategies that don't involve buying space in print or online or time on air. Social media has become one of the most common forms of publicity. Few companies, large or small, do not have social media accounts on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more. Through these outlets, they are able to build followers and establish an audience for the messages they want to share.

By posting regularly, businesses keep their brand in the minds of their followers, and by encouraging followers to share posts, they can expand their audiences. While the ultimate goal is to create a post that goes viral and gets shared millions of times, a more realistic, day-to-day objective is simply to maintain relevancy and to build a broader audience in a slow and steady fashion.

Social Media Marketing & Management Services
Social Media Management

Social media management is the process of creating, scheduling, analyzing, and engaging with content posted on social media platforms, like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. A social media manager may be employed by a brand, individual, or business to reach new customers online or to improve and maintain their reputation.

Social media managers are experts at handling social media activity, from responding to customer comments to developing strategy on how to achieve long term marketing goals by publishing original content. However, there are also social media management tools that give you control over your own strategy.

Even if your time is limited, social media management tools and services can make your social media presence a priority. And if you aren’t making social media a priority at this point in the game, you’re in trouble.

Social media plays an integral part in the business landscape. With 3.2 billion people using social media around the world, and 11 new users every second, it’s safe to say the fad has turned into a global standard. Social media management tools and services can help you reach this huge audience and make running a social media campaign decidedly simpler.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explain how you can take advantage of social media management and traverse the media landscape in style. 

Getting Started with Social Media Management

Engaging with your audience through social media is more important than ever. Customers interact with brands via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and more, and they expect fast responses and professional outputs.

That’s where social media management comes in.

Social Media Management Tools


If you’re just dipping your toe in the social media marketing waters, do-it-yourself tools are a great way to get started. These platforms can help you manage your own campaigns with simple, comprehensive interfaces designed for the most novice of social media manager.

Plus, social media management tools are often very affordable, and many offer free versions to test out before you buy. However, if you want to really make a difference on social media, you’re going to need a bigger boat.

Social Media Management Services

While social media management tools can help your company increase the quantity of your content, improving the quality of your content is just as important when it comes to engaging your target audience.

Fortunately, social media management services are equipped with the knowledge and resources to manage your social media presence right. Through targeted posting, sponsored ads, and a wide range of social media tactics that are far beyond common knowledge, these services can bring your social media game to the next level.

The Key Elements of Social Media Management

Whether you hire a social media marketing service or take advantage of a wide range of tools, you’ll be able to transform your strategy from drab to fab without spending too much or wasting too much time. You’ll be able to:

  • Manage multiple accounts across various platforms

  • Analyze social engagement

  • Schedule posts in advance

  • Receive comprehensive reports of analytics

  • Monitor comments and respond efficiently

  • Collaborate with team members on content

As with any additional software or service your company takes advantage of, the ultimate goal of social media management is to save time and improve profits. So how does social media management create specific benefits for your company? Read on.

Facebook for Business is more than just getting Likes.
Sort your social media strategy today.



How Can Social Media Benefit Your Business?

Social media management tools and services are designed to make marketing easier, which ultimately increases profits. After all, what’s the point of paying for new software or services if they aren’t going to improve your bottom line? Social media management tools and services come with a bevy of helpful benefits that will reinvigorate your marketing efforts and put your company in front of your target audience.

Social media management can help you:

  • Save time – by scheduling posts in advance, rather than burdening yourself with remembering to post at peak hours during the day.

  • Increase authority – by posting multiple times a day on a wide range of platforms.

  • Understand your audience – by providing in-depth analytics that explain who is following you, where they’re coming from, and what they want from your business.

  • Improve customer support – by creating a simple pathway for customers to inquire about your company through social media and making it simple for you to respond.

  • Take control of your brand’s reputation – by allowing you to monitor comments and feedback more closely, and respond as quickly as possible.

  • Foster innovation- by encouraging creative collaboration across new platforms, for each social media campaign.

Clearly, social media management has benefits. But, understanding how it works is only the first step in deciding whether or not you should purchase one of these tools or services for your own business. So, what’s the next step? Cost.

How Much Does Social Media Management Cost?

Social media management tools and services vary in costs, which is why it’s so important to get a tailored quote before you make a decision. Above all, you’ll want an accurate estimate of how much social media management tools and services will cost for the particular scale and needs of your business.


Cost of Social Media Management Tools

Most social media management tools charge by two important factors: the number of accounts you plan on managing and the number of posts you plan on scheduling in advance.

Social Media Accounts

The beauty of social media management tools is your ability to schedule posts for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and even LinkedIn from a single platform. However, depending on how many accounts you’re looking to manage, the price could go up.

Whether you’re popular on a wide range of platforms, or just have six different Twitter accounts that you want to manage, make sure you know exactly how much it costs to add extra accounts to your service, as it could cost you a pretty penny.

Social Media Posts

The primary purpose of social media management tools is to schedule posts in advance so you don’t need to perfectly time out your day to hit those peak hours. However, if you’re trying to take the “quantity over quality” approach, you might need to pay a little extra.

Even if you only have one account, some social media management tools will put a limit on the number of posts you can schedule in advance. The more posts you want to schedule, the higher the price, so make sure you take that into account when picking your tool.

Cost of Social Media Management Services

If you’re looking to truly break open the potential of a social media campaign, social media management services are the best way to go.


The price is understandably a bit higher, but the results you’ll see from such social media marketing specialists will be more than worth it.

Unlike social media management tools, these services offer everything from marketing strategy to paid advertising to improve your overall strategy on social media. Because of this, social media management services vary greatly in cost depending on a wide range of factors, including:

  • The size of your company

  • How often you plan on posting

  • The type of services you require

  • Which platforms you want to share content on

  • The level of analytics you need

  • Whether or not you’ll provide customer service through social media

When it comes to social media management services, the varying costs make it imperative to get a customized quote before you make a decision. To get a good idea of what’s out there, take a look at a few tools and services we have reviewed below.

You can’t cheat with tweets. Get a social media management price quote today.



Best Social Media Management Tools and Services

Now you know what social media management involves, its benefits, and the cost factors that will determine what sort of price quote you can expect, here are some examples of the companies that can help you. We’ve put together a selection of the top social media management tools and services available in 2019.

Do It Yourself: Social Media Management Tools

If you’d prefer to be hands-on with your brand’s social media, then there are some brilliant tools you can choose, to manage how you go about this. Social media for business shouldn’t involve logging into a standard Facebook or Twitter account, just like you would with a personal page. Businesses need to be smarter.

Social media management tools can let you schedule updates, manage customer service comments efficiently and learn about trends in how your customers interact with your brand. 

Some of the best social media management tools include:

  Buffer – a great, simple to use interface

  Hootsuite – lets you schedule an unlimited amount of posts

  Sprout Social – ideal for growing businesses

  Hubspot – marketing tools included, and a free trial available

  IFTTT – a super, free service to try

  TweetDeck – for Twitter only, but with lots of handy features

The question remains, is it smarter to attempt to tackle the social media feeds for your business yourself, or to trust this vital service to an expert? Done right, social media management can transform the way you interact with customers.

This isn’t something you can easily fit in between all your other business tasks, so think carefully before attempting to do it yourself.

If you’re confident in your ability to run a successful social media campaign, the above tools will be a great start. However, if you’re interested in significant improving your company’s presence on social media, the professional services listed below will not disappoint.

Business Professional: Social Media Management Services

Put your trust in a social media management service and you’ll receive expert help that’s bespoke to your business and its needs. We’ve rounded up some of the best social media management services you can choose:

Hibu Social


Considering its status as the most popular social media platform in the world, marketing on Facebook is more than a good idea; it’s a necessity. That’s why Hibu Social focuses on getting your business the attention it deserves on everyone’s favorite social media platform.

Through social monitoring and targeted ads, Hibu Social taps can get your content in front of your target audience for the right price. They’ll even send monthly analytic reports so you know that the bang is worth the buck.

Plus, when you set up with Hibu social media services, you can also access search marketing, website services and more.

Lyfe Marketing


If you’re looking for a service that will manage a variety of accounts, Lyfe Marketing can help you out. By managing marketing on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and even Google Plus, this social media marketing and management agency.

With management and advertising packages available for small and mid-sized businesses, you’ll be able to pick and choose exactly what you need to become a success. Plus, with other services available, you can completely revamp your entire marketing strategy.



If data driven results on social media are what you’re looking for, SociallyIn can help you out. This simple, comprehensive platform will allow you to get a clear picture of your social media presence and will take make a unique, concerted effort to help you make an impact.

Through well-researched targeting and innovate engagement tactics, SociallyIn stays ahead of the shifting trends so that you’re always on the cutting edge of algorithm change and attitudes shifts.


Get a Quote for Social Media Management Today

Getting on top of your social media marketing strategy is imperative to succeeding in the world of business today. And, as we’ve shown here, social media management is the most effective way to get in the fight.

Picking the right solution, however, can be a bit daunting. But with an earnest understanding of your options, and a customizable quote, you’ll be able to decide on how you’re going to tackle your social media strategy.

Engage your audience and boost your profits with social media management.


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Location: Atlanta, Ga 30311

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